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直擊Photonics West 2020 系列
直擊Photonics West 2020 系列
直擊Photonics West 2020 系列
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直擊Photonics West 2020 系列
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照明新寵兒 雷射照明能否取而代之
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【Biomedical系列】防疫期間 UV-C紫外線可降低感染機率
【Communication系列】氮化鎵優勢 市場需求巨增
【Environment系列】技術新突破 鈣鈦礦太陽能電池轉換效率可達26.3%
【Biomedical系列】因應防疫需求 熱像儀需求暴漲
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【Display系列】新零售與物聯網(IoT) 電子紙不再只為閱讀
【Biomedical系列】圍堵冠狀病毒 生物辨識上陣
【Biomedical系列】UVC主動防疫系統 資訊科技廠商投入
【Display系列】摺疊式手機市場 台廠面臨淘汰賽局面
【Communication系列】聯合光纖通信發展列車通訊技術 進軍海外市場
【Display系列】實測結果略勝 8K電視準備好了嗎?
【BIOMEDICAL系列】殺菌利器 迪伸電子展示紫外線UVC LED模組
【Communication系列】 美光纖需求遲緩 業界寄望5G佈署
【Communication系列】 光纜市場何時回春 5G、FTTH、長途光纜為關鍵
光電協進會為廠商拓商機 獨家代理中國光博會
【COMMUNICATION系列】全球光通信和網路的頂級年度盛會(OFC 2020)
【Biomedical系列】 使用AI和成像技術 機器人也可替人抽血
【Communication系列】消費性電子和汽車應用需求強勁 ToF模組可望成長3.25倍
【ENVIRONMENT系列】高功率時代下 GaN SiC材料成主流
【Automotive系列】 研究人員找出自駕車系統辨識盲點
【Communication系列】 OFC 2020總結 從人類社會的聯繫到宇宙的探索 光通訊技術不可或缺
【量子系列】 低溫冷卻技術加速量子電腦開發
【ENVIRONMENT系列】2020太陽能發電安裝容量 BNEF下修11%
【Communication】全球智慧手機需求估下降2.3% 第三季有望回穩
量子科技投資增加 量子通訊、計算、軟體領域求才若渴
【Display】2020 OLED電視面板出貨量估成長33%
【Communication系列】AR/VR第三季需求有望反彈 年增長率上看23.6%
【Biomedical系列】 冠狀病毒疫情蔓延 遠距醫療結合VR上陣抗敵
【Display系列】 Apple專利透露摺疊式iPhone細節
【量子系列】 量子運算何時能破解區塊鏈?
病毒在哪裡? 分子影像技術可提供解答
【Communication系列】誰會成為指紋辨識技術霸主 是超聲波還是光學
【Quantum系列】歐美日中台量子科技計畫巡禮 台灣尋找競爭利基
【Display】汽車窗戶顯示 DLP投影新商機
疫情熱產業冷 IEA籲能源轉型不能停
【ENVIRONMENT系列】 對抗氣候變遷 光電科技打頭陣
2020景氣調查--疫情影響光電產業信心 未來審慎持平
疫情轉單效應只聞樓梯響 供應鏈斷鏈為主因
【Display】歐美疫情大蔓延 全球面板需求大急凍
【Communication系列】資料中心佈建需求 磷化銦(InP)年複合成長率達14%
【Display】量子點色轉換技術引入 三星大舉壓進顯示器市場
【Communication系列】多鏡頭趨勢確立 CIS產業前景看好
跨領域整合 AR/VR讓機器人更聰明
【Automotive系列】 微機電解決方案加速LiDAR市場成長
【Environement系列】 對抗氣候變遷 光學檢測打頭陣
【Biomedical系列】 人工智慧開啟遠距醫療更多可能
【Environement系列】 全球PV發電容量達583.5GW
量子記憶糾纏了22到50公里 量子電腦網路可跨越城域
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【Display】受公衛事件影響 2020年電視出貨量下修10%
【Communication】韓5G設備建設領先 5G手機總銷量有望達到48%
【Environment系列】 全球太陽能發電市場概況與趨勢
【Display】Apple佈局AR/VR專利 瞄準頭戴顯示器與AR眼鏡市場
【Automotive】LiDAR應用領域廣 市場上看22億美元
【Display系列】 疫情緊需求旺 AR/VR裝置上看1600萬套
【Communication】無人機搭5G 應用如虎添翼
【Display系列】 Micro LED引領次世代顯示技術
【Communication】5G、電力新應用 碳化矽、氮化鎵展現雙星潛力
【Display】華為加入OLED電視市場 競爭更加血腥
【Automotive】Level 3邁進 3D-LiDAR即將問世
【Display】Micro LED電視普及 三星將時程延後到2024
【Automotive系列】自動駕駛安全嗎? 光電感測技術可以協助持續改善
【Environment】疫情流行SSSS 將加速帶動UVC LED替代汞燈趨勢
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測試第十一個顯示   光收發模組  

發布日期: 2019-10-30-2019-10-30

European scientists with the Horizon 2020 funded consortium TERIPHIC are using photonics to develop a low emission, 1.6 terabit-per-second (Tbit/s) speed internet that will reduce power consumption by 50% per Gbit/s. TERIPHIC is developing new optical transceiver modules used in internet datacenters to reduce power consumption and in turn see lower carbon emissions. In addition, the TERIPHIC group expects the new transceivers to solve problems faster and reduce queue times.

Shortening processing intervals for high-performance computing, edge computing, and machine learning, the new ultrahigh-capacity, low power consumption pluggable modules are capable of both 800 Gbit/s and 1.6 Tbit/s. Aiming to surpass current "gold" standards of 400 Gbit/s, TERIPHIC (which stands for "TERabit optical transceivers based on InP EML arrays and a Polymer Host platform for optical InterConnects") expect the modules to cost €0.3 per Gbit/s. InP stands for indium phosphide, while EML stands for electroabsorption-modulated laser.

The three-year, €5.6 million TERIPHIC project will operate until December 2021 and has received a grant of €4.7 million from the European Commission via the Photonics PPP.

Compatible with mass production
"TERIPHIC intends to develop low-cost terabit optical transceivers through the automation of current photonic integration concepts and processes in commercial assembly machines," says Panos Groumas from the TERIPHIC project coordination team. "While 400G is impressive, and was demonstrated in 2018, high-performance computing, edge computing, machine learning, and end-user experiences will not run on existing speeds of 400 Gbit/s. We are developing mass-production-compatible 800 Gbit/s pluggable modules with 8 lanes and 1.6 Tbit/s mid-board modules with 16 lanes having at least 2 km reach. When the Gbit/s power consumption is reduced, datacenters will consume less power, and given that they are powered by powerplants relying on various fuel sources including coal, we will see a significant reduction in carbon emissions.”

Project Leader, Professor Hercules Avramopoulos adds, "TERIPHIC will bring together EML arrays in the O-band, PD arrays, and a polymer chip that will act as the host platform for the integration of the arrays and the wavelength mux-demux of the lanes. The integration will rely on butt-end-coupling steps, which will be automated via the development of module-specific alignment and attachment processes on commercial equipment. The new transceiver design introduced by TERIPHIC will allow significant cost savings, due to assembly automation of both the transmitter and receiver optical subassembly (TOSA/ROSA) parts, and also at the packaging level, resulting in a cost of around €0.3 per Gbit/s for the transceiver modules."

ICCS and Telecom Italia are responsible for providing the system specs, and together with Mellanox are responsible for the testing of the devices in both lab and real settings, notes Avramopoulos. Fraunhofer HHI is providing the photonic platform and the active components and is responsible for the hybrid integration of the latter with the photonic platform using ficonTEC machines.

"FiconTEC provides custom equipment for the automated assembly processes while III-V lab provides the high-speed electronic driver chips. Finally, Mellanox Technologies will take up the packaging of the transceivers," says Avramopoulos.

The project is coordinated by the Photonics Communications Research Laboratory (PCRL) of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) at NTU Athens, Greece. The consortium comprises five additional partners from four European countries: Heinrich-Hertz Institute of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung e.v, ficonTEC Service GmbH (Germany); III-V Lab (France); Mellanox Technologies Ltd. Mlnx (Israel); Telecom Italia Spa (Italy).