It may soon be possible to transport quantum information over long distances with glass fibres, thanks to a new project launched by Dutch research centre QuTech and the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT. The new project will develop quantum frequency converters that will connect quantum processors to fibre optic networks. The new technology will be used in the world's first quantum internet demonstrator in 2022.
Named 'Low-Noise Frequency Converters for the First Quantum Internet Demonstrator (QFC-4-1QID)', the project is being supported by the International Cooperation and Networking (ICON) international funding programme, which was set up by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft to bring top researchers together and to facilitate cooperation with excellent foreign research institutions on a project basis.
The first project phase will last three years and comprises joint research activities with a total volume of approximately €2.5 million.